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Pink Gradient

Me Stuff.

I am a mid-career playwright, director, producer, actor, and dramaturg. My play Ghosts won the Mildred and Albert Panowski Playwriting Award. A later play, Oatmeal and a Cigarette was awarded Critics' Pick at the 2008 Cincinnati Fringe and subsequently published by Broadway Play Publishing.


My most recent full-length play is Acqua Tofana, about Gironima Spana, a 16th-century Italian seer, midwife, alchemist, and professional poisoner.​ Several of my shorter plays have appeared in recent “Best of” anthologies.

In response to new playwrights colleagues asking me about my development experiences, I wrote the how-to book Workshopping the New Play: A Guide for Playwrights, Directors, and Dramaturgs (published by Rowman Littlefield).


OnstageOffstage podcast:

New Play Exchange:

For the past ten years I have produced and hosted the podcast Onstage/Offstage, featuring interviews with theatre professionals from around the world and live readings of new short plays. 

And because I believed that Ithaca, NY, desperately needed new and exciting theatre blood, I co-founded and served as the artistic director of the Ithaca Fringe Festival (2013-2017).


I am a MacDowell Fellow; March 2023.

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