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Inflexible Dynamo
Aug 13, 20133 min read
Names. Ehh.
It's confession time: I'm shitty with names. I am. I apologize for it; I don't know why this is. Faces I'm great with; I can remember a...
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Inflexible Dynamo
Jun 21, 20134 min read
"I Hate Going Anywhere With You."
I hear that every so often. I also hear: “Mr. Crankypants”; or, “Well, fine, but *I* liked it.” And my favorite: “Someone needs a nap.”...
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Inflexible Dynamo
Jun 13, 20136 min read
"Anna's Prophylactics Shock"
So that's what I heard right after I heard “You may experience death.” I believe I can be excused from not hearing the correct term:...
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Inflexible Dynamo
Jun 10, 20133 min read
POL 358: Civics and Security in Post 9/11 United States • Mid-term exam
You have 15 minutes to complete this exam. Each question is worth 5 points. Use only a number two pencil. Cheaters will be waterboarded....
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Inflexible Dynamo
May 10, 20136 min read
The Worst Of Us (3)
SPOILER: I do NOT endorse physical violence as a way of solving issues. I may (occasionally) casually or sarcastically remark that...
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Inflexible Dynamo
Mar 28, 20134 min read
Oh, Really.
Someone somewhere should do a study that investigates the premise that gay folks are more prone to being dimwits, psychopaths, liars, and...
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Inflexible Dynamo
Mar 21, 20133 min read
The Worst of Us (2)
Yes, I know people have been talking about this for weeks now. You don’t have to read this, okay? But I’m gonna chime in anyhow because...
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Inflexible Dynamo
Mar 5, 20134 min read
G'night, John-Boy
There's a scene in “Terminator II” when the good version of Schwarzenegger's killer cyborg picks up a toddling two-year-old and holds it...
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Inflexible Dynamo
Feb 2, 20136 min read
The Best of Us
This memory running around in my head is a man I met briefly in 2003; a nurse named Salvatore who worked in the Italian Red Cross...
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Inflexible Dynamo
Jan 16, 20134 min read
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity; the pandemic of the future. (Still.)
“Multiple Chemical Sensitivity; in broad terms it means an unusually severe sensitivity or allergy-like reaction to many different kinds...
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Inflexible Dynamo
Jan 13, 20134 min read
The Worst of Us
Congressman Tim Huelskamp (R- KS) writes on his page that: "The Second Amendment is non-negotiable. The right to bear arms is a right,...
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Inflexible Dynamo
Dec 15, 20122 min read
Who Are We?
This rant is much too late, considering the time passed since Columbine. But I will throw it out there anyway. It comes to a point where...
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