Stick It.
The ending, I mean. For me, this is the absolute critical part of a script that makes or breaks the production. I can't say how many...
Stick It.
Dancing on a Bed of Nails (or Something Like That)
The Submitter's Lament
How It All Began
Not for Nothing, But ...
They Talk Lots Funnier in Comedies
Asking for 10-page samples
Hamlet's Hamartia
Development, Part XVII
De-confusing “Cast Appropriately"
Giving Yourself Every Advantage, or Shameless Book Plug
Where does a playwright’s responsibility to the audience’s emotional health begin and end?
Trigger Warnings
Bad Decisions Make Great Drama.
How much control is too much? How much control is not enough?
“Ehhhh, Mr. Sapio...this is Harlan Ellison. We need to talk.”
Obstacles. Those bits in the middle.