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Inflexible Dynamo
Sep 30, 20162 min read
Chin Up, Eyes Forward
The great miraculous bell of translucent ice is suspended in mid-air; It rings to announce endings and beginnings. And it rings because...
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Inflexible Dynamo
Apr 8, 20164 min read
It’s the White Privilege, Stupid.
So I'm in my tavern of choice, shooting a few games of pool with an acquaintance. There's a huge crowd filling the rest of the place, and...
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Inflexible Dynamo
Jan 17, 20164 min read
Shorter of Breath and One Day Closer.
David Bowie died a few days ago. Didn't know him personally, and (major regret) never saw him in concert. Loved a lot of his music. Lou...
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Inflexible Dynamo
Jan 13, 20165 min read
Company noun. 1. a number of individuals assembled or associated together; group of people. 2. companionship; fellowship; association. 3....
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Inflexible Dynamo
May 20, 20154 min read
To Feed or Not to Feed. That is the Question.
I hate giving line readings. Here's my mindset: When I cast a certain actor I do so because of a dozen different things: detected...
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Inflexible Dynamo
Mar 23, 20155 min read
It's All Moot, Ya Know.
Okay, at the very first my reaction was “Really? What the hell is the point of asking, anyway?” Then I ruminated on it, cuddling the idea...
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Inflexible Dynamo
Jan 10, 20154 min read
Live a Little.
You know the look. It's the look that people get when they’re processing what you've just said and they have come up against a huge...
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Inflexible Dynamo
Jul 30, 20143 min read
Sour Apples
A year or so ago someone tipped over a coffee cup, soaking my 2009 MacBook Pro. I cleaned it up, but eventually the logic board fried. I...
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Inflexible Dynamo
Feb 21, 20147 min read
Rock, Loss, and What I Saw
Stuff gets left behind as you move through life. You can’t prevent it; the stuff you collect sometimes gets put aside, stored, relegated...
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Inflexible Dynamo
Feb 14, 20145 min read
No, Seriously. A Pound of WHAT??
I’m quite uncomfortable discussing matters of race, ethnicity, and religion. Being a middle-class generic white dude of the Heinz 57...
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Inflexible Dynamo
Dec 13, 20133 min read
No. It's Just Wrong.
I'm sure we could easily escalate this into something philosophically astronomic about the nature of capitalism and listen to the...
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Inflexible Dynamo
Oct 20, 20137 min read
The Essential Nature of Cosmic Truth Revealed. Finally.
The last question in the post-show talkback was “In your opinion, what was the theme of the play?” Decent question, and one most likely...
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Inflexible Dynamo
Aug 16, 20138 min read
Stupid is the New Black.
Okay, so maybe it’s not so new, but Stupid has been trendy-chic for, in this current mini-age, as I estimate, at least since Forrest Gump...
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Inflexible Dynamo
Aug 13, 20133 min read
Names. Ehh.
It's confession time: I'm shitty with names. I am. I apologize for it; I don't know why this is. Faces I'm great with; I can remember a...
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Inflexible Dynamo
Jun 21, 20134 min read
"I Hate Going Anywhere With You."
I hear that every so often. I also hear: “Mr. Crankypants”; or, “Well, fine, but *I* liked it.” And my favorite: “Someone needs a nap.”...
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Inflexible Dynamo
Jun 13, 20136 min read
"Anna's Prophylactics Shock"
So that's what I heard right after I heard “You may experience death.” I believe I can be excused from not hearing the correct term:...
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Inflexible Dynamo
Jun 10, 20133 min read
POL 358: Civics and Security in Post 9/11 United States • Mid-term exam
You have 15 minutes to complete this exam. Each question is worth 5 points. Use only a number two pencil. Cheaters will be waterboarded....
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Inflexible Dynamo
May 10, 20136 min read
The Worst Of Us (3)
SPOILER: I do NOT endorse physical violence as a way of solving issues. I may (occasionally) casually or sarcastically remark that...
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Inflexible Dynamo
Apr 17, 20136 min read
Are We There Yet?
I always know it’s out there . . . lurking . . . waiting . . . with a sly Cheshire grin on its face, frolicsome malice in its heart . . ....
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Inflexible Dynamo
Apr 16, 20137 min read
"Truth"; a Rambling Discourse on the Essence of Knowing It When you See It*
[Warning: This essay was written a few months ago, then abandoned and forgotten because things piled up. I started another essay a few...
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